The one with Drew Brees

Jeff Roman

Several years ago, my friend Kirk and I had the unique privilege to work on a project with Drew Brees.

Having grown up around an NFL family and due to some twists and turns in my career, it wasn’t the first time I had the opportunity to share the room with a legend — it was however one of the only times I saw greatness and passion translated into something off the field that showed me what the word “excellence” truly means.

Drew was helping us with a PSA for Convoy of Hope and American Airlines. We were scheduled to meet up at Loyola in New Orleans to shoot the video. I sent Drew the script beforehand through his agent, Chris. Drew arrived in time for the shoot (alone and without an entourage). He was patient, gracious and kind to our team. When it came time for the first take, Drew took his position and was ready. While we fully expected him to use a teleprompter, he had already taken the time to remember his lines. Action!

Drew NAILED his first take. When I say nailed, I mean perfect. There was nothing to improve upon. The delivery, clarity…you name it, spot on. It was at that moment after we all congratulated him on a great take that he said, with a look of determination in his eyes that I will never forget, this:

“I can do better.”

Are you kidding me? 😳 We had what we needed. We knew how valuable his time was and here’s this NFL legend, donating his precious off-season time telling us, “I can do better.”

That’s what a champion does — pushes even when it’s not required. Drew and his family continue to give back to people all around the world. I can only imagine the impact he’ll continue to make off the field with a little more time on his hands. I’m sure it will be EPIC.

Takeaway: What does excellence look like in your life?